The OPMW Ontology

Release 1 August 2012

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Daniel Garijo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Yolanda Gil, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, US
Imported Ontologies:
The Open Provenance Model Ontology (OPMO)
The Open Provenance Model Vocabulary (OPMV)
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.


The Open Provenance Model for Workflows (OPMW) is an ontology for describing workflow traces and their templates based on the Open Provenance Model. It has been designed as a profile for OPM, extending and reusing OPM's core ontologies OPMV (OPM-Vocabulary) and OPMO (OPM-Ontology).

This document specifies the classes, properties and dataproperties of OPMW.

The OWL encoding of the OPMW Ontology can be found here

Table of Contents

1. Introduction back to ToC

OPMW is an OWL-DL ontology developed to represent abstract workflows in addition to workflow execution traces. This requirement was motivated by the goal of publishing workflows of scientific articles and their results.

OPMW is based on the Open Provenance Model [Moreau el al 11], a widely-used domain-independent provenance model result of the Provenance Challenge Series and years of workflow provenance standardization and exchange in the scientific workflow community.

There are several reasons to use OPM: OPM has been already used successfully in many scientific workflow systems, its core definitions are domain independent and extensible to accommodate other purposes and OPM can be considered the basis of the emerging W3C Provenance Interchange Language (PROV), which is currently being developed by the W3C Provenance Working Group as a standard for representing and publishing provenance on the Web.

The OPMW profile aims to be simple and easy to use, following OPMV's style.

2. OPMW Overview back to ToC

OPMW extends OPM to fit in the scientific workflow domain. The next tables summarize the classes, properties and data properties that have been used to extend or complement the OPM core to our domain:


Object properties

Datatype properties

3. OPMW Description back to ToC

The Open Provenance model offers several core concepts and relationships to represent provenance. It models the resources (datasets) as artifacts (immutable pieces of state), processes (action or series of actions performed on artifacts), and agents (controllers of processes). Their relationships are modeled in a provenance graph with five causal edges: used (a process used some artifact), wasControlledBy (an agent controlled some process), wasGeneratedBy (a process generated an artifact), wasDerivedFrom (an artifact was derived from another artifact) and wasTriggeredBy (a process was triggered by another process). It also introduces the concept of roles to assign the type of activity that artifacts, processes or agents played when interacting with each other, and the notion of accounts and provenance graphs to group sets of OPM assertions into different subgraphs. An account represents a particular view on the provenance of an artifact based on what was executed.

OPMW extends the previous relationships in order to capture the execution traces of a workflow template (process view provenance), plus the metadata of the template and execution itself (attribution provenance).

3.1 Process view provenance back to ToC

OPMW describes the traces of the execution of a workflow along with the abstract workflow (template) used for its design. The trace is described by extending opmv:Artifact with opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact; opmv:Process with WorkflowExecutionProcess; and reusing OPM relationships to link them(opmv:used, opmv:wasControlledBy and opmv:wasGeneratedBy). All the assertions from an execution are grouped in a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount, a subclass of opmo:Accoount that represents the view of the system on the execution.

Templates are defined with new terms in OPMW, in a similar way to the traces. In this case, the reuse of OPM is not appropriate since we are describing the plan of the workflow(which may be executed in the future or not), not the execution. Templates have opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifacts (which can be either opmw:DataVariables or opmw:ParameterVariables) and opmw:WorkflowTemplateProcesses, which represent an abstraction of the method that is being executed.

The opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifacts are connected to opmw:WorkflowTemplateProcesses by opmw:uses and opmw:isGeneratedBy properties. These properties define which type of opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact is used by each opmw:WorkflowTemplateProcess and the type of the expected result. The next figure shows a brief example.

Figure 1: An example of process view workflow provenance.

Figure 1 shows a process view high level diagram of the OPM and OPMW representation of an abstract workflow on the left and a workflow execution on the right. The example workflow shown here has one step (executionNode1), which runs the workflow component (specComp1) that has one input (execInput1) and one output (executionOutput1).

3.2 Attribution provenance back to ToC

Attribution is key for scientists who publish the workflow. Thus, OPMW was designed to include metadata from the specification as well as from the execution itself. Figure 2 shows an attribution view on the provenance of the same workflow of Figure 1.

Figure 2: An example of attribution provenance

The abstract workflow contains information of the authors of the original article, the contributors of the workflow, the version, the date of creation and documentation of the abstract workflow (that may include a pointer to the publication). OPMW reuses terms from the Dublin Core (DC) Metadata Terms Vocabulary . The executed workflow links to the workflow systems used to create and execute it, the license, date of start and end of the run and the final status (succeeded or failed execution).

4. Cross reference for OPMW classes, properties and dataproperties

This section provides details for each class, property and dataproperty defined by the OPMW Ontology.

4.1 Classes

Data Variablec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Data variable is a workflow template artifact that represents a variable in the workflow specification.


	@prefix rdfs: <> .
	@prefix opmw: <> .

			a opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact , opmw:DataVariable ;
			rdfs:label "Data variable Sum_CorrDO" ;
			opmw:hasDimensionality "0"^^xsd:int ;
			opmw:isGeneratedBy <> ;
			opmw:template              <> .

has super-classes

Parameter Variablec back to ToC or Class ToC


An parameter variable represents a description of an input parameter of a process. Parameter variables can only be used by process.


	@prefix rdfs: <> .
	@prefix opmw: <> .
			a opmw:/WorkflowTemplateArtifact , opmw:ParameterVariable ;
			rdfs:label "Parameter variable Latitude" ;
			opmw:template <> .

has super-classes

Workflow Execution Accountc back to ToC or Class ToC


A workflow execution account represents the execution view from the perspective of the system.


	@prefix rdfs: <> .
	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .

			a       opmo:Account , opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount> ;
			rdfs:label "Execution account created on 1335533097598" ;
	<> ;
			opmw:hasEndTime "2012-04-25T07:17:48-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
			opmw:hasExecutionDiagram ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
			opmw:overallStartTime               "2012-04-25T07:17:05-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
			opmw:hasStatus "SUCCESS" ;

has super-classes
  • opmo:Account c
is in domain of
executed in workflow system op, overall End Time dp, has Execution Diagram dp, overall Start Time dp, has Status dp, has Original Log File dp

Workflow Execution Artifactc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Workflow Execution Artifact represents a resource used or generated in the execution of a workflow.


	@prefix rdfs: <> .
	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmv: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .
			a       opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact , opmv:Artifact;
			rdfs:label "Execution artifact with id: 25f1016c12ebe301ee7aadbc0b085c45" ;
			opmo:account              <> ;
			opmv:wasGeneratedBy     <> ;
			opmw:hasLocation     ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
			opmw:hasSize "8618"^^xsd:int ;
			opmw:correspondsToTemplateArtifact              <>.

has super-classes
  • opmv:Artifact c
is in domain of
has Dimensionality dp, has File Name dp, has Location dp, has Size dp, corresponds to Template Artifact op, has value dp

Workflow execution processc back to ToC or Class ToC


A workflow execution process represents the execution of a step in workflow template. The execution process also describes the specific method used to acomplish the task described in the proces template.


	@prefix rdfs: <> .
	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmv: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .

			a opmw:/WorkflowExecutionProcess , opmv:Process ;
			rdfs:label "Execution process ConvertToStandardFormat" ;
			opmo:account <> ;
			opmv:used <> ;
			opmv:wasControlledBy <> ;
			opmw:correspondsToTemplateProcess <> .

has super-classes
  • opmv:Process c
is in domain of
has Executable Component op, corresponds to Template Process op

Workflow Templatec back to ToC or Class ToC


A workflow template represents the design of the workflow. In such design, the different steps and inputs don't have to be bound to a specific tool or dataset. It is a generic view of the workflow, which is instantiated in each execution.


	@prefix dc:  <> .
	@prefix opmw: <> .

			a opmw:WorkflowTemplate;
			rdfs:label "AquaFlow_NTM" ;
			dc:contributor	<> ;
			dc:modified  "2011-06-08T09:57:12-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
			opmw:hasVersion "2"^^xsd:int .

has super-classes
  • owl:Thing c
is in domain of
created in Workflow System dp, has Documentation dp, has Template Diagram dp, has Native System Template dp
is in range of
corresponds to Template op

Workflow Template Artifactc back to ToC or Class ToC


A workflow template artifact is part of a workflow template. It explains what kind of artifact is used or generated by the process template, along with possible restrictions that it may have.

There are two different types of workflow template artifacts: data variables and parameter variables.

has super-classes
  • owl:Thing c
has sub-classes
Data Variable c, Parameter Variable c
is in domain of
is generated by op
is in range of
corresponds to Template Artifact op, uses op

Workflow Template Processc back to ToC or Class ToC


A workflow process template is an abstraction of the workflow execution process step that aims to describe the method followed by the scientist instead of its specific instantiation.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix water: <> .

			a opmw:ProcessTemplate, water:CalculateHourlyAverages;
			opmw:template <> ;
			opmw:uses <>.

has super-classes
  • owl:Thing c
is in domain of
uses op
is in range of
corresponds to Template Process op, is generated by op

4.2 Object Properties

executed in workflow systemop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Property to bind an execution account to the system where it was executed (which could be different from the one used for designing its workflow template).


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .

			a opmo:Account, opmw:executionAccount;
			opmw:executedInWorkflowSystem <>.

			a opmw:Agent.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • opmv:Agent c

has Executable Componentop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Property that binds a workflow execution process to the specific component (code, scripts, etc.) used in the execution.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmv: <> .

			a opmv:Process, opmw:WorkflowExecutionProcess;
			opmw:hasExecutableComponent <>.

has characteristics: functional

has super-properties
  • owl:topObjectProperty op
has domain

corresponds to Templateop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Property that binds an execution account to the template of the whole workflow. The template contains the plan for the workflow.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .

			a opmo:Account, opmw:workflowExecutionAccount;
			opmw:correspondsToTemplate <>.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
  • opmo:Account c
has range

corresponds to Template Artifactop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Property that binds a workflow execution artifact to its correspondant workflow template artifact.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmv: <> .

			a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact;
			opmw:correspondsToTemplateArtifact <>.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range

corresponds to Template Processop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Property that binds a workflow execution process to its correspondant process template.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmv: <> .

			a opmv:Process, opmw:WorkflowExecutionProcess;
			opmw:correspondsToTemplateProcess <>. 

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range

is generated byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Property that binds a workflow template artifact to the workflow template process that generates it.


	@prefix opmw: <> .

			a opmw:DataVariable, opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact;
			opmw:isGeneratedBy <>.

belongs to Templateop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Property used to dessignate which artifactTemplates and processTemplates belong to a workflow template.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
			a opmw:WorkflowTemplateProcess;
			opmw:belongsToTemplate <>.

usesop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Property that binds a workflow template process to the workflow template artifact that generates it.


	@prefix opmw: <> .

			a opmw:WorkflowTemplateProcess;
			opmw:uses <>.

4.3 Data Properties

created in Workflow Systemdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This data property binds a workflow template to the tool used for its design and creation. The tool is represented by its URL.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
				a opmw:WorkflowTemplate;
				opmw:createdInWorkflowSystem ""^^xsd:anyURI.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:anyURI

has Dimensionalitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property that represents the dimensionality of the artifact: 0 is a single file, 1 for a collection, etc.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
			a opmw:DataVariable, opmw:WorkflowTemplateArtifact;
			opmw:hasDimensionality "1"^^xsd:int.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:int

has Documentationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property that binds a workflow template to its documentation.


	@prefix opmw: <> .

			a opmw:WorkflowTemplate;
			opmw:hasDocumentation "A copy of the documentation related to this template "^^xsd:string.

has domain
has range
  • xsd:string

overall End Timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property that indicates that the last of the activities in the account finished finished executing before this time.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .
			a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account;
			opmw:overallEndTime "2012-04-25T10:28:55-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:dateTime

has Execution Diagramdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property that links an execution account to its diagram. The diagram shows how the template has been instantiated with different components.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .

			a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account;
			opmw:hasExecutionDiagram ""^^sxd:anyURI.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:anyURI

has File Namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property used to link an execution artifact to its file name (independently of its URI).


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmv: <> .

			a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact.
			opmw:hasFileName "NTMParams_SMN_2010_03_14Z"^^xsd:string.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:string

has Locationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property used to link an execution artifact to the physical location of its file in the server.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmv: <> .

			a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact.
			opmw:hasLocation ""^^xsd:anyURI.

has domain
has range
  • xsd:anyURI

has Sizedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property used to annotate a workflow execution artifact with the size in bytes of its file.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmv: <> .

			a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact.
			opmw:hasLocation "68"^^xsd:int.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:int

overall Start Timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property that indicates that none of the processes in the account started executing before this time.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .

			a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account;
			opmw:overallStartTime "2012-04-25T10:28:07-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:dateTime

has Statusdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property used to state whether all the processes in an account were successful or not.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .

			a opmo:Account, opmw:ExecutionAccount;
			opmw:hasStatus "SUCCESS"^^xsd.string.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:string

has Template Diagramdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property used to link a workflow template to its graphical representation.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
			a opmw:WorkflowTemplate;
			opmw:hasTemplateDiagram ""xsd:anyURI.

has domain
has range
  • xsd:anyURI

has valuedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property used to state the value of the artifact (in case of being a parameter).


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmv: <> .

			a opmv:Artifact, opmw:WorkflowExecutionArtifact;
			opmw:hasValue "0.61959237"^^xsd:string.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:string

has Original Log Filedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property used to link an execution account to the log file produced by workflow engine where the original execution was performed.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
	@prefix opmo: <> .
			 a opmw:WorkflowExecutionAccount,opmo:Account;
			 opmw:hasOriginalLogFile ""^^sxd:anyURI.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:anyURI

has Native System Templatedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property used to link a workflow template to its original template (encoded in the syntax of the workflow system where it was designed: scufl, owl, etc.).


	@prefix opmw: <> .

		a opmw:WorkflowTemplate;
		opmw:hasNativeSystemTemplate ""xsd:anyURI.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:anyURI

is Concretedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property that specifies whether a component is abstract or not.

has characteristics: functional

has range
  • xsd:boolean

version numberdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property used to annotate a resource with it version number.


	@prefix opmw: <> .
			 a opmw:WorkflowTemplate;
			 opmw:versionNumber "2"^^xsd:int.

has characteristics: functional

has range
  • xsd:int

5. Namespace Declarations back to ToC


6. References back to ToC

7. Acknowledgements back to ToC

We would like thank:

8. Change Log back to ToC